Tuesday, March 11, 2014


This cycle will continue as long as we keep the same forms of copyrights and patents that have plagued the internet for the last decade. There isn't much a corporation can do to prevent it, so why not just make the copy free of all DRM? Pirates would still be pirates and the consumers would be happy. Take drinkbox, a game developer who made the outstanding game Guacamelee, which sold copies of their game without DRM attached. My friend bought it and gave me a copy and I was hooked! Demos rarely do it for me but playing the full copy made up my mind to buy Guacamelee when the next edition comes out. In the end, I understand that the corporations are trying to make the most money they can, but what they are doing neither works or helps. Let me put my digital copy of Robin Hood on the devices I want, not one device the corporation wants.


  1. It is good to reward the corporations that promote freedom, agreed.

  2. It seems more and more true to me that giving away things for free doesn't hurt or actually brings in more revenue because people who pirate wouldn't buy the product anyway, and the product is essentially getting free marketing.
