Tuesday, February 4, 2014


"This guy has no clue what anything is about and needs to be shot to keep him from ever making such a terrible post again!" 

Comments like this plague the Internet. It has gotten so bad that companies like Google decided that comments on Youtube need to be filtered by relativity. Google tried to make it so our real names would be posted with our comments. It turns out though that I can now sue people for such comments. I don't want to but the culture of the Internet has become one where we don't take responsibility for the words we say. Suing the people who decide to make comments that are intentionally hurtful introduces consequences for the things we say, just like in the real world. Matt Smith said in his article, "Internet exists in the real world, not a fantasy-land of limitless free speech." How true that is. 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if the threat of being sued really will stop all the trolls out there. Very interesting.
